The 15-Minute Ultimate Advantage: Sleep Longer with this 7 Commuting Tips – Prepare the Night Before!

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As a trauma surgeon and a firm believer in optimizing every aspect of life, I understand the importance of making the most of our precious time, including our daily commute. Being a fan of efficiency, I realized that my lack of sleep was hindering my productivity during my commutes. That’s when I discovered the power of preparing my morning routine tasks the night before.

By implementing these commuting tips, I have been able to sleep longer, wake up refreshed, and embark on a productive journey to work every day. From preparing your breakfast and choosing your outfit to checking your smart gadgets and being aware of any potential strikes, I will cover all the essential steps to ensure a smooth and enjoyable commute. Try this practical strategies, you will not only optimize your sleep but also create a sense of calm and purpose during your daily journey.

Section 1: Prepare Your Breakfast the Night Before – A Recipe for Commuting Success

When it comes to starting your day right, a well-balanced and nutritious breakfast is key. However, in the rush of the morning routine, it’s easy to skip this vital meal or settle for something less healthy. That’s where the power of preparation comes in. By taking just a few minutes the night before to plan and prepare your breakfast, you can set yourself up for a successful day ahead.

commuting tips

Here are some commuting tips to make your breakfast routine seamless and enjoyable. First, choose breakfast options that are easy to prepare in advance, such as overnight oats, chia pudding, or pre-cut fruit. These can be stored in the refrigerator overnight, allowing you to grab them on the go in the morning. Additionally, consider packing a protein-rich snack, such as Greek yogurt or a hard-boiled egg, to enjoy during your commute.

Personally, I have two types of breakfast that I prepare the night before: overnight oats with chia, banana, and cinnamon. I also include a side of nuts, blueberries, and whey protein. Another option is eggs with whole grain bread, accompanied by a side of fresh fruit. These breakfast choices keep me feeling full and satisfied for approximately five to six hours.

By preparing your breakfast the night before, you not only save time in the morning but also ensure that you start your day with a nutritious and satisfying meal. This will provide you with the energy and focus needed for a smooth and productive commute. Remember, by investing a few minutes in preparation the night before and starting your day with a nutritious breakfast, you can reduce your stress levels. This, in turn, lowers your cortisol levels, decreases the likelihood of depression, and enhances your quality of life, as seen among Spanish adolescents.

Section 2: Plan Your Outfit in Advance – Dress for Success

They say that “clothes make the man” or woman, and this sentiment holds true even in the context of commuting. Choosing an outfit that is both comfortable and appropriate for your day ahead can set the tone for a successful journey. To make the most of your morning, consider planning your outfit the night before.

One of the commuting tips for a seamless start to your day is to check the weather forecast and select your attire accordingly. This way, you can ensure that you are dressed appropriately for the conditions and avoid any last-minute wardrobe dilemmas. Lay out your chosen outfit, including accessories and footwear, to minimize decision-making in the morning.


Planning your outfit in advance not only saves time but also helps you feel confident and put-together as you embark on your commute. Whether it’s a professional look for the office or comfortable attire for a casual day, having your outfit ready allows you to focus on other aspects of your morning routine. So, take a few minutes each night to select your outfit, and you’ll be ready to conquer the day with style and ease.

Section 3: Check Your Smart Gadgets – Stay Connected and Prepared

In today’s digital age, smart gadgets have become an integral part of our daily lives. From laptops and smartphones to headphones and smartwatches, these devices help us stay connected and productive during our commute. However, there’s nothing worse than realizing your gadgets are low on battery or malfunctioning just as you’re about to leave.

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To avoid this frustration, one of the essential commuting tips is to check the battery levels and functionality of your smart gadgets the night before. Charge your devices overnight so that they are ready for use in the morning. Additionally, make sure you have any necessary cables or accessories readily available in your bag or near your charging station.

By ensuring that your smart gadgets are fully charged and in working order, you can stay connected, entertained, and productive during your commute. Whether you use this time to catch up on emails, listen to your favorite podcasts, or engage in learning activities, having reliable gadgets is essential. So, take a moment each night to check and prepare your smart devices, and you’ll be well-equipped for a seamless and enjoyable commute.

Section 4: Be Informed About Strikes – Stay Ahead of Public Transportation Challenges

For many commuters who rely on public transportation, unexpected strikes or disruptions can cause significant stress and delays. Being caught unaware can derail your morning routine and make your commute a frustrating experience. That’s why it’s crucial to stay informed about any potential strikes or disruptions that may affect your route.

a woman holding a sign that says i'm sticking with my union

One of the important commuting tips is to check for strike announcements the night before. Keep an eye on local news, transportation agency websites, or dedicated commuting apps that provide real-time updates on public transportation services. By staying ahead of any potential challenges, you can plan alternative routes or make arrangements in advance, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free commute.

Being well-informed about strikes or disruptions allows you to take proactive measures to minimize any inconvenience. Whether it’s adjusting your departure time, exploring alternative transportation options, or even opting for remote work if feasible, staying ahead of public transportation challenges can make a significant difference in your commuting experience. If you want to learn more commuting tips and other commuting hacks check this article.

Section 5: Ensure Bike Safety – Check Your Bicycle Tires’ Pressure and Your Light’s Battery

For those who choose to commute by bicycle, ensuring bike safety is of utmost importance. One essential aspect is maintaining the optimal tire pressure. Properly inflated tires not only enhance your riding experience but also improve your safety on the road.

As part of your nightly routine, take a few moments to check the pressure of your bicycle tires. You can invest in a reliable tire pressure gauge to accurately measure the air pressure or just do like I do, pressing with my thumb over the tires. Consult your bicycle’s manual or the manufacturer’s recommendations to determine the ideal pressure range. If needed, inflate or deflate the tires to ensure they meet the recommended levels.

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Additionally, don’t forget to check your bike light’s battery. A well-functioning light is crucial, especially if you commute during darker hours or in low visibility conditions. Checking the battery the night before ensures that you have a fully charged light, allowing you to be seen by other road users and enhancing your safety on the road.

By maintaining the correct tire pressure, you enhance your bike’s handling, responsiveness, and overall safety. Properly inflated tires also reduce the risk of punctures and ensure a smooth and comfortable ride. So, make it a habit to check your bicycle tires’ pressure the night before, and enjoy a worry-free and enjoyable commute on two wheels. If you want to learn more, check this 10 Expert Bike Commuting Tips for Beginners.

Section 6: Charge Your E-Scooter – Power Up for a Seamless Ride

With the rise in popularity of electric scooters (E-Scooters), many commuters have embraced this convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation. If you’re an E-Scooter commuter, ensuring that your scooter is adequately charged is essential for a smooth and uninterrupted ride.

Before calling it a night, plug in your E-Scooter for charging. This way, you can start your day with a fully charged battery, ready to tackle your commute with ease. If possible, keep a spare charger at your workplace or carry a portable charger for emergencies.

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By taking the time to charge your E-Scooter overnight, you eliminate the stress of a low battery during your commute. You can confidently navigate through your route, knowing that you have sufficient power to reach your destination. So, include charging your E-Scooter as part of your evening routine, and experience the convenience and efficiency of this mode of transportation. Are you interested about finding out more about other Sustainable Travel Solutions?

Section 7: Personalize Your Commute Activities – Decide How To Use Your Precious Commuting Time

Your commute presents a valuable window of time that can be utilized wisely to enhance your personal and professional growth. By proactively deciding how you will spend this time, you can maximize its potential and make every minute count. Let’s explore effective strategies for optimizing your commute activities and making informed decisions.

The key to making the most of your commute is preplanning. Take a few minutes the night before to evaluate your goals and priorities. Are you looking to expand your knowledge? Decide on specific topics or podcasts to listen to that align with your interests or professional development. Do you want to engage in personal reflection and mindfulness? Choose relaxation techniques or meditation practices that resonate with you. Are there pending tasks or administrative work? Determine which ones you can efficiently tackle during your commute.

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By consciously deciding how you will spend your commuting time, you take control of this period and transform it into an opportunity for personal growth and productivity. Whether it’s learning a new language, honing a skill, or accomplishing necessary tasks, having a clear plan in mind allows you to make the most out of your journey.

Remember, your commute doesn’t have to be idle time. It can be a purposeful and empowering part of your day if you proactively choose how to allocate it. So, start envisioning your ideal commute activities the night before and unlock the potential for self-improvement and success.


In conclusion, optimizing your morning routine and personalizing your commute activities can significantly enhance your daily journey. From preparing breakfast and choosing your outfit the night before to checking your smart gadgets, staying informed about transportation strikes, ensuring bike safety, and deciding how you will use your commuting time, these commuting tips empower you to make the most of every moment. By implementing these strategies, you can reduce stress, save time, boost productivity, and create a more enjoyable and fulfilling commute.

Remember, even the smallest changes can have a powerful impact. Just like compound interest, these small adjustments will accumulate over time and play a major role in your personal and career success. What may seem insignificant at the beginning will grow into a significant advantage that leverages your overall well-being and accomplishments.

So, take charge of your mornings, embrace the power of preparation, and unlock the ultimate advantage of a smooth and empowering daily journey. Start incorporating these tips into your routine, and experience the transformative power of optimized commuting. Your future self will thank you for the time and effort you invest today.


  • Dr. Philip Oak

    Hello, I'm Dr. Philip Oak! I'm an orthopaedic and trauma surgeon. I've spent the past ten years mastering the art of commuting, be it by car, motorcycle, bicycle, or public transport. Beyond my surgical endeavors, I have a passion for creating science-based content and am an advocate for sustainable living. When I'm not in the operating room or immersed in research, you'll find me working out, hitting the road on my road bike, or navigating mountain trails on my mountain bike.

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